lördag 5 november 2011


 Detta kommer från The British Liver Trust hemsida

Looking after yourself

Having GS should not prevent you leading a normal life in any way.

There are a number of circumstances that are considered likely to cause your bilirubin levels to rise. Some of these cannot be helped but you might manage your situation better if you can avoid the following:

  • dieting or fasting
  • dehydration
  • emotional stress or anxiety
  • infectious illnesses
  • heavy physical exertion that can leave you feeling drained
  • lack of sleep.
It is important that you:
  • eat regularly and healthily
  • drink plenty of water
  • avoid fatty or sugary foods.
Many people find that they cannot tolerate eating carbohydrate foods very well. Typical carbohydrates are bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

A number of foods, vitamins and supplements are commonly recommended by people with the disorder.

There is no clear agreement about the impact of alcohol on people with GS although a number of people report increased sensitivity to its effects.

In general, any person with a liver condition should approach alcohol with caution.

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