onsdag 14 mars 2012

Forskningsprojekt i Australien

Det är inte så ofta man hör om folk som forskar om Gilberts men här är ett exempel från Australien. Vi får hoppas att studien har blivit av.

Seeking people with Gilbert's Syndrome to participate in research in Australia
The orthodox medical position on Gilbert's Syndrome (GS) is that it's a benign condition. However, many people with this condition report a range of similar 'non-specific' symptoms. There are also a number of papers in the peer-reviewed medical literature questioning its 'benign' status.

I am recruiting people with diagnosed Gilbert's Syndrome (GS) for testing to further understanding of this condition. This would require participants to attend a hospital in Sydney, Australia for blood tests, conducted by an endocrinologist. Importantly, for this to go ahead, we require both symptomatic and asymptomatic (no or minimal symptoms) people with GS, so comparitive genetic testing can be done.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to gilbertsresearch@gmail.com and include the following details/ answers to questions:

1) Gender and Age
2) Do you have Gilbert's Syndrome (IE- confirmed by medical professional)
3) Do you have symptoms- if so, give very brief description
4)Are you willing/able to attend in person for the testing (IE- in Sydney Australia)

More specific details can be provided later, if the testing goes ahead. At this stage we are seeing if we can recruit sufficient participants. 

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